Saturday, August 19, 2017

Never let a crisis go to waste

Writing in the NY Times (naturally) a UCLA professor says it's time for the government to put some curbs on free speech.  Charles C.W. Cooke agrees: "Yes, let's rethink free speech."
The United States did not fight two global conflicts and a bloody civil war to permit the Bill of Rights to flourish. Nor did countless Americans expend their time, blood, and energy to allow unpopular people to speak without the vigorous superintendence of whoever temporarily commands the public’s support. On the contrary: Those battles were fought for one reason, and one reason only: To permit Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump to shape our society as they in their eternal prudence see fit. If that dream is finally to be realized, the ACLU must dismount its high horse and get the hell out of the way.
Emphasis added.  I'm sold on this argument: since Republicans control all levels of the government, it's time to put some constraints on this harmful rhetoric of the Left.  For the public good.

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