Tuesday, August 29, 2017

I've heard this song before

Legal Insurrection: "Obamacare Causes New York’s Largest Hospital Network to Leave Insurance Market" - “It has become increasingly clear that continuing the CareConnect health plan is financially unsustainable.”


  1. Sonia Singlepayor5:44 PM

    How strange to chop the quote at that precise spot.

    Northwell's CEO:
    “It has become increasingly clear that continuing the CareConnect health plan is financially unsustainable, given the failure of the federal government and Congress to correct regulatory flaws that have destabilized insurance markets and their refusal to honor promises of additional funding.”

    "The continuing uncertainty in Washington about the future of the ACA, intractable regulatory problems and the federal government’s broken promise of so-called `risk-corridor’ payments to insurers provide us with no viable path to profitability in the foreseeable future.”

    In other news, after another year of doom howling to the contrary, every county in America has an Obamacare insurer for 2018. Oh, well. Same place, next year?

  2. Trump has, so far, continued risk corridor payments that have been ruled illegal by a federal judge. But, darn it, that's not enough "fixing" to save Obamacare.


  3. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Peeking at the Obamacare polls recalls Colin Powell's 15-year-old Pottery Barn rule... "you break it, you own it."

  4. Your side passed it, your side owns it. It's so typical of Democrats to absolve themselves of responsibility for their galaxy-class mistakes.

  5. When Obamacare polls were consistently in the doghouse, we were told that Obama's poll number were proof-positive that it was actually a popular program.
    What does it mean now that we have a President Trump and the Democrats have lost 1000+ seats nationwide?
    That's a rhetorical question.

  6. Sonia Singlepayor1:29 AM

    It means that 1000+ seats, down to the legislatures, all flipped because each of the one thousand elections was a referendum on Obamacare, silly. That's just obvious common sense.

    It's the reason why Mitt "Day One Repeal" Romney trounced the man whose name was in the law's name. (But the REAL battle over Obamacare was in the Tennessee House.)

    When you're right, you're right. This is what imploding disaster job-killing death spiral collapse looks like:

    The percentage of uninsured people in the U.S. is 10.3%, which (yet again) is lower than the unreliable CBO estimate which is based on false premises.

  7. Obamacare apologists LOVE to cite that uninsured number. First of all, virtually all of that gain is due to the Medicare expansion. Second, very few doctors want to take on Obamacare patients so you can't get actual health care.



  8. Sonia Singlepayor12:30 AM

    But... but... but... bulls#!t!




    However, there is another New York Times article to go with yours. The title says it all: "Many Doctors Shun Patients With Medicare":


    It's from 2002.

  9. The Factcheck citation says the acceptance rate for new Medicaid patients is 70% but the KFF one says it's only 45%. How many Americans are getting access to terrible care?
