Thursday, July 13, 2017

Flip the script

Jonathan Last at Weekly Standard: "Meanwhile, on Earth 2 ... - However you might feel about a given Trump scandal, ask yourself how you'd feel if it was President Hillary Clinton facing the same challenge."

He's absolutely correct that if Chelsea had taken that seat at the G20 we never would have heard the end of it.  I think what Trump Jr. did was stupid and scummy, but I can't join the treason mob mostly because there was no outrage for Hillary's team.


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I think what Trump Jr. did was stupid and scummy, but I can't join the treason mob mostly because there was no outrage for Hillary's team.

    Force yourself. It's the adult thing to do.

    Someone on Twitter nails it:
    "The President of the United States is literally what would happen if Montgomery Burns & Homer Simpson were the same person."

  2. Yeah, I'm leaning towards Shep Smith's thinking that all this Trump does is lie and lie and lie. I don't want to take the playground position of "they did it too!"
