Saturday, June 24, 2017

Smug and contemptuous

Bret Stephens in the NY Times: "Democrats and the losing politics of contempt."
Whatever their misgivings about Trump, those Republicans weren’t about to give Nancy Pelosi the satisfaction of a national victory. Contemporary liberalism now expresses itself chiefly in the language of self-affirmation and moral censure: of being the party of the higher-minded; of affixing the suffix “phobe” to millions of people who don’t appreciate being described as bigots.

It’s intolerable. It’s why so many well-educated Republicans who find nothing to admire in the president’s dyspeptic boorishness find even less to like in his opponents’ snickering censoriousness. It’s why a political strategy by Democrats that seeks to turn every local race into a referendum on Trump is likely to fail.
I'm one of those well-educated Republicans who did not vote for Trump but is warming up to him only because of the boorish sanctimony of the Democrats.  So keep it up and stick tight to your identity politics and condemnation of the "deplorables."


  1. Robert Mitchell Jr.12:45 PM

    They lecture us on "Boorishness" after they gave us Pornstar? Yeah...........

  2. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Contemporary liberalism now expresses itself chiefly in the language of self-affirmation and moral censure

    What a bunch of libtards. Bad (or sick) guys!
