Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Seattle's sweet soda

Hit and Run: "Seattle Passes Regressive Soda Tax - The city will now tax soda at a rate eight times higher than beer."
Several activists who spoke on behalf of the measure acknowledged that the tax is regressive but argued that this would be mitigated by the spending it will allow. "We understand this is a regressive tax," said a dietitian with the group Got Green. "We only support it because we know and are pushing for it to go back and serve the community."
That's the nice thing about our betters: they're willing to take your money and give some of it back.


  1. Anonymous9:41 PM

    That's the nice thing about our betters: they're willing to take your money and give some of it back.

    As stupid as this particular tax may be, what you're describing is "civilization."

  2. Yeah, that's why Philadelphia is a paradise.

  3. I wonder how many of the legislators who voted for a job-killing tax like this one have ever worked in the private sector for more than five years. I'd be surprised if it was anywhere near 50 percent.

  4. Anonymous4:43 PM

    "As stupid as this particular tax may be, what you're describing is "civilization."
    "Yeah, but what about a different soda tax?"

    I wonder how many of the legislators who voted for a job-killing tax like this one have ever worked in the private sector for more than five years. I'd be surprised if it was anywhere near 50 percent.

    One was the Chief Counsel for the tech and telecommunication company U S West. One was and is a college teacher. One was a Superior Court Judge before joining a Wall Street firm. One was the CFO of a Seattle law firm. One was a community organizer.
    One was an Assistant Attorney General and a Chief Deputy Prosecutor. One was a police officer and a small business owner. One was a partner in a law firm. The ninth one, I didn't find.

  5. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Yeah, that's why Philadelphia is a paradise.

    And fresh from today's news, here's what a real sarcastically-described tax paradise looks like:


  6. I like the soda tax because it falls disproportionately on lower-income taxpayers.

    Connecticut is building yet another casino to bring in the blue hairs and blue-collar workers. But that's a voluntary tax and they'll get their money back in government spending (after the Mafia takes their cut).

    Big Tony said we should raise the cigarette tax again - for the children.
