Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Preaching to the Upper East Side choir

Althouse on Julius Caesar: "It seems to me that theater should disturb, upset, and provoke the audience in the theater, not show them the things they already firmly believe are disturbing, upsetting, and provoking. So I'd say you are not doing your job. You're presenting hatred of Donald Trump in the center of Manhattan. Don't preen, and don't bring God into it. You've got "the mirror." Look at yourself."

1 comment:

  1. "'Twere childish weakness to lament or fear."12:11 PM

    Oh, Viking, don't buy into this stupid outrage of the week. There've been recent stage productions with Barack Obama being murdered as Julius Caesar, and with Hillary Clinton being killed as Julius Caesar.

    The number of Shakespeare adaptations using heavy allegories of Bush, of Bill Clinton, of Reagan, Nixon, Kennedy, etc are too many to count. Living text and all. Plenty of them with corporate funding, too.

    But this, dear God, THIS version is a toga too far, say the friends on Fox & Friends. Something to keep in mind the next time we hear about liberal snowflakes needing their safe spaces and comfort pillows.
