Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Whispers gettin' louder

Hot Air: "CNN: Friends seem to think Anthony Kennedy will retire no later than next summer."


  1. Doris Dog1:22 PM

    Friends seem to think... Just speculation, of course... but the rumblings... have both hinted... hearing whispers... if not this year... believe... seriously considering... The question appears not to be whether... at the end of this June, or next?… in play this time around could be... possible... could be... On the one hand... may feel... On the other hand... looks like... might... If... anticipating... What happens if/when... probably... Is there any way... Maybe.... it seems like... would have...If... Will that argument... Probably not... But if... would be... and that would... Coincidentally, or maybe not coincidentally... which, if true... I think... could be... The White House may need... if... that would... but would... would... Alternately, Trump could... If... they might suggest... which would be... would... whoever...

    This was a great Hot Air article about Imminent Someday Justice Splunge... but possibly not... and I'm not being indecisive.

  2. I got that Monty Python reference.
