Friday, April 07, 2017

Gorsuch confirmed

Charles Krauthammer: "Karma, precedent and the nuclear option."  "The Gorsuch nomination is a bitter setback to the liberal project of using the courts to ratchet leftward the law and society. However, Gorsuch’s appointment simply preserves the court’s ideological balance of power. Wait for the next nomination. Having gratuitously forfeited the filibuster, Democrats will be facing the loss of the court for a generation.
Condign punishment indeed."

For the record, I was wrong in my prediction that the Democrats would pull back the abyss and preserve the filibuster for the next seat, the one that will (likely) tip balance on the Court.  It's either sheer madness or just appealing to the fundraisers.


  1. Anonymous12:35 AM

    ...and preserve the filibuster for the next seat

    Ha, ha! I love your absurdist sense of comedy!

    Br'er McConnell: "We begged them, please don't force us to do the thing this time that we totally wouldn't do next time. We fully respect the esteemed tradition of this h'ar briar patch."

  2. Most people don't put quotation marks around a couple of sentences in which you're putting words in someone's mouth; i.e., making shit up. Then there's you...

  3. Well, it seems to me that - if someone like RBG needs to be replaced - there's more political pressure for a moderate candidate, especially if Trump's popularity continues to drop. Why not "keep your powder dry" for that fight?

    Instead, the next candidate will be super-conservative and super-young. And since the Democrats went ballistic over somebody as qualified as Gorsuch, nobody will believe their hysterics next time.

  4. "It's either sheer madness or just appealing to the fundraisers."

    I myself think it's both - although, to be a bit more accurate, they were appealing to their far-left base of Bernie supporters, not the big-bucks guys who supported Hillary. Appealing to them was sheer madness, given that it's the antics of the far left that drove many voters to vote for Trump.


  5. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Roger Bournival: "I, Roger Bournival, don't get sarcasm." End quote.

    And since the Democrats went ballistic over somebody as qualified as Gorsuch, nobody will believe their hysterics next time.

    As opposed to the credible reaction to that law school dropout Merrick Garland.

    Anyone who believed the Democrats when they cited "substantive" reasons to oppose Gorsuch, or anyone who believed the Republicans when they cited "election year custom" to block Garland, is exactly the breed of moron political parties love to cultivate.

  6. There was no reaction to Garland. Seemed like a nice guy.

    It's a shame his 99% candidate didn't win.

  7. Anonymous1:52 PM

    His 99% candidate would not have picked him, Ms. 99% would have picked somebody far more crazy than Garland. Republican's bet big and won.
