Friday, February 03, 2017

You want to be a winner, don't you?

The Truth about Cars has an absolutely great review of Audi's pending Super Bowl commercial: "The Real Message Behind Audi’s Super Bowl Ad Isn’t Exactly An Uplifting One."  An excerpt:
Well, if you’ve been reading along, I think you’ve figured out what the real message of this Audi advertisement is, but just in case you’ve been napping I will spell it out for you: Money and breeding always beat poor white trash. Those other kids in the race, from the overweight boys to the hick who actually had an American flag helmet to the stripper-glitter girl? They never had a chance. They’re losers and they always will be, just like their loser parents.
If you'll recall, Bud Light tried this silly feminist strategy in their ad campaign with Amy Schumer and it backfired spectacularly.  I know you spent a lot of money on Don Draper, Audi, but pull this ad now.


  1. Anonymous4:03 PM

    "It’s a boy — older, thuggish, wearing a converted catcher’s mask. And he’s fat. Remember that in the modern idiom, the cherished assumption set of the Eloi, fat means poor.
    Let’s get another shot of the kid so you can see just how chunky he is. Chunky means poor."

    The overhysterical semiotics of the article aside, has the writer ever seen our president?

  2. Pitch like a girl4:29 PM

    If you'll recall, Bud Light tried this silly feminist strategy in their ad campaign with Amy Schumer and it backfired spectacularly.

    "Spectacularly" being a 0.15% quarterly sales drop compared to Bud Light sales before the ads began.

    It must also be why Progressive Insurance quickly pulled the plug on their failed "Flo" campaign. And why the "You've come a long way, baby" cigarette ads for Virginia Slims bombed so hard.

    Did feminism make Bud Light taste worse? Or did the unfunny Rogen-Schumer ads just have a stupid premise, and suck?

    After their ads were axed a month early, the feminist Bud Light spokespair was immediately replaced by that apolitical homemaker Lady Gaga.

  3. Yeah, I thought multi-million dollar ad campaigns with big Hollywood stars are designed to make sales go UP, but what do I know? I'm not in the ad biz.

    The backlash forced Bud Light to shut down comments on the YouTube version of their "Equal Pay" commercial, the one that perpetuated the spurious claim that women are paid less then men. The Audi commercial resurrects this zombie "fact." Let's see if history repeats itself.

  4. Pitch like a girl2:04 AM

    Ads are supposed to make product sales go up. These ads didn't. Many ads don't. Attributing this one failure to a "backlash against feminism" is a wholly theoretical conjecture, usually made by people whose own backlashes to feminism occurred long ago. And none of whom (I'm guessing) could name any other example of an ineffective beer campaign from last year. We have to assume that there were no other unpopular beer ads last year.

    Bud Light sales were already falling in 2016 under a different multi-million dollar ad campaign, when they tried replacing it with Rogan and Schumer's crappy ones. Sales continued to slide. The additional post-Schumer drop was 0.15%. That's the evidence for a nationwide backlash to feminism? Which nation would that be, Lichtenstein or Micronesia?

    Here's my wholly theoretical conjecture: the campaign wasn't funny, wasn't memorable, got no buzz, and interested no one in Bud Light. Outlandish, I admit.

    I, however, CAN name another example of an ineffective beer campaign from 2016. Sales of regular Budweiser have also been slumping. Hence the company's concurrent, highly promoted "America" rebrand - which, despite being Schumer-less, has also flopped. Apparently, America doesn't just despise what liberals have to say about equal pay, America hates America.

    YouTube comments are closed for a whole lot of videos, not just the ones that Reddit and Gamergate users organize an interest in. That kind of thing goes both ways; Fox News discontinued comments long ago because of trolling and abuse.

  5. Did all those other ad campaigns trigger Washington Post stories about their awfulness and hypocrisy?
    What does it mean for advertising in general and Audi specifically that they have to go to this long-disproved mythology about unequal pay to stir up feminine angst?

  6. Pitch like a girl4:55 PM

    First, it was a silly feminist strategy. Then it was about disputing the spurious unequal pay claim, plus the rare example of negative YouTube comments. And now it's the awful corporate hypocrisy.

    As demonstrated by an Washington Post article that says the average female employee at Anheuser-Busch is paid 99.6% as much as her average male coworker. And which cites as fact the same unequal pay stats you say are "long-disproven." Some of that WaPo article is devastating; just ignore the other parts. On average, 77% of the article is good.

    That the "Bud Light Party" ads were a bust because they took a lame "It's election year!" idea, executed it ineptly and without actual humor, and did nothing to boost the product's merits or image, is still a bridge too far for you. But you should really reconsider the age-old principle of Occam's Fusion ProGlide Multi-Blade Power Razor.

  7. "But you should really reconsider the age-old principle of Occam's Fusion ProGlide Multi-Blade Power Razor."

    OK, that was funny.

    Go Patriots!
