Friday, February 24, 2017

Truthiness to power

Daily Caller: "Now the NYT has a new slogan too."  "Speaking truth to power took a nice long snooze between, oh, around 2009-2016."


  1. Anonymous12:14 AM

    So, today in the news...

    *The White House admits they tried and failed to get the FBI to discredit story about continuous Russia/campaign contact
    *House and Senate intelligence committee chairmen both concede they personally tried to convince reporters to reject the Russia story
    *The Wall Street Journal and Fox News' Bret Baier both denounce Spicer/WH for selectively banning the news outlets (e.g. NYT, CNN, BBC) who've been breaking the Russia story
    *Wall Street Journal says it would not have knowingly participated, and will not attend any such White House blackball events in the future
    *Poll: Majority of the public supports a serious Trump-Russia probe
    *Trump blasts leakers, demands "FIND NOW" (can a "FIND NOW" executive order be far behind?)
    *Trump unleashes attack on "enemy" media
    *White House requests DHS report to support its Muslim ban, but instead, the report discredits the ban's entire rationale
    *Town Halls continue to lay siege to Congressmen, at least those who dare to show up
    *Republican Congressman admits, "I don't know if we're going to be able to repeal Obamacare now... we don't have the votes."
    *Poll: Majority of the public supports Obamacare

  2. Hashtagg Romney1:12 AM

    The Times actually doesn't have a new slogan. But if it did, it couldn't possibly be as moronic as #PowerOfTheFirstLady.

  3. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Good job with the bullet points above. Keep it up and the Clinton death squad will let you live.

  4. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Conservative comedy, ladies and gentlemen! Let's hear it for conservative comedy! (*)

    (*This does not encompass the kind of inadvertent conservative comedy that's bullet-pointed in the first post.)
