Monday, February 20, 2017

"No chance"? Yeah, there's a lot of that going around

Hot Air: "Can Marine Le Pen actually win?"  She's steadily gaining ground in France.  What's the French phrase for "shy voters"?


  1. Frère Inertia8:43 PM

    She's steadily gaining ground in France.

    Le Pen is at 26% in six of the most recent eight polls. The two other polls have her at 27%. That's up from, uh, 26%.

    One month ago, she was at 26%. Two months ago, she was at 25%. Three months ago she was at 29%. Four months ago, she was at 28%.

    Five months ago she was at 27%. No polls six months ago. Seven months ago, she was at 28%.

    Eight months ago, she was at 29%. Nine months ago, she was at 28%. Ten months ago, she was at 29%.

    Le Pen might win the election. But with those numbers, only the French Army would brag about "steadily gaining ground.",_2017

  2. Unreal!8:48 PM

    What's the French phrase for "shy voters"?

    What was the American phrase for "shy voters" last November... "nonexistent"?

    Total 2012 vote: 129,085,409
    Total 2016 vote: 137,556,617
    Total extra: +8,471,208

    Romney: 60,933,504 (47.2%)
    Trump: 63,811,288 (46.4%)
    GOP extra: +2,877,784

    2,877,784 extra votes from 8,471,208 extra voters = 33.9% Now that's shy.
