Monday, February 13, 2017

Fake news again

Washington Examiner: "More mainstream media mess-ups: The Muslim Olympian 'detained because of President Trump's travel ban' was detained under Obama."

To be sure, this woman misled the press by saying the detention occurred "just a few weeks ago" when it actually happened in December.  Still, the media had their narrative and ran with it - the "when" can wait until later.

Extra - From Gateway Pundit.


  1. "Fake news"? I do not think that term....

    P.S. You searched high and low in today’s America, and THIS was the false claim that got to you, huh?

  2. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Still, the media had their narrative and ran with it - the "when" can wait until later.

    In two of the mainstream mess-up articles cited by the Examiner, "later" meant later in the same article. (Daily News and ESPN)
