Friday, January 20, 2017

Off to a good start

CNBC: "The White House website's page on climate change just disappeared."

As WUWT comments: "You can hear the heads exploding already."

Update - So it was just a transition to a new "America First Energy" page.  Conspicuously missing: renewable energy.


  1. Anonymous9:13 PM

    As WUWT comments: "You can hear the heads exploding already."

    Actually, that noise is coming from the Antarctic ice shelf.

    It's almost as loud as the deniers saying "La la la la la la."

  2. Of course it means nothing. As it's been pointed out, this was just the official website for the White House getting wiped out as the previous administration walked out the door. The new site has nothing on it of any importance, yet.

  3. Anonymous12:33 PM

    They needed the web space to promote Melania Trump's QVC jewelry line.

    No worries, it's since been taken down. It was just another of those unintended Ivanka "60 Minutes" bracelet placement oopsies. Plausible buyability.
