Thursday, December 01, 2016

Picking winners and losers

The Federalist: "Donald Trump’s Carrier Deal Is Just Cronyism as Usual - The Carrier deal shows that Donald Trump isn't going to 'drain the swamp.' He's just going to favor a different set of swamp creatures."
But you can make the same case for somebody else’s business, or for the customers who won’t benefit from cheaper goods that might have been made elsewhere. Somebody has to choose the winners and losers in this contest. And that’s how we got the swamp in the first place. There’s always an excuse for why your gang’s favor-trading is in the public interest, while the other guy’s favor-trading is cronyism.
This is Solyndra all over again where Washington forces the invisible hand.  All the competitors of Carrier are suckers for not announcing their own "movin' to Mexico" plans.

Extra - Hmm...maybe it was a Mike Pence arm-twisting.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:18 PM

    This is Solyndra all over again where Washington forces the invisible hand.

    As expected, the energy loan program remains on target to show a billion dollars in visible profit to the taxpayers for each finger on that invisible hand.
