Thursday, December 15, 2016

Oh do tell

Twitchy: "PolitiFact deserves extra-large ‘pants on fire’ for this B.S. claim."  That risible claim is: "We're neither liberal or conservative."  Yeah, I know.

Some of us still remember their factual coverage of Obamacare: "PolitiFact rewrites its own history in Obamacare 'Lie Of The Year' decision."
In an impressive display of chutzpah, the Tampa Bay Times' fact-checking organization PolitiFact has designated President Obama's promise that "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it" as their "Lie of the Year" for 2013 while simultaneously distancing itself from its own years-long record of failing to identify it as a lie.
Politifact: "better late than never."

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