Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Left hates free speech, continuing

The heckler's veto wins out at the University of Maryland.


  1. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Some complaints about campus intolerance do have merit, such as the inane double-barrel protest against Joe Biden AND John Boehner for this year's Notre Dame commencement.

    But Milo Yiannopoulos? Don't tell me you're chump enough to buy into that guy's cornball shock jock provoke-a-thon.

    If a day ever comes when Milo isn't being "censored," he will cease to exist at all.

  2. 2006-20161:35 AM

    Speakers who've been disinvited to campuses in the past decade, as the result of conservative objections or protest:

    Carol Beier, Newman University
    Luis Guiterrez, University of Southern California
    Robin Steinberg, Harvard University
    Common, Kean University
    Suzanne Venker, Williams College
    Anita Sarkeesian, Utah State University
    Ramy Jan, Georgetown University
    Lois Lerner, Western New England University Law School
    David Harris-Gershon, University of California, Santa Barbara
    James Deen, Pasadena City College
    John Corvino, Providence College
    Alice Walker, University of Michigan
    Geraldo Rivera, Duquesne University
    Tina Beattie, University of San Diego
    Robert Hagan, Mercy College School of Nursing
    Osama Shabaik, University of California, Irvine
    Vincente Fox, Point Loma Nazarene University
    Ellen Goodman, St. Francis University
    Victoria Reggie Kennedy, Anna Maria College
    Tony Kushner, City University of New York
    Marvin Casey, Washington University in St. Louis
    Anna Quindlen, Villanova University
    William Ayers, University of Wyoming
    Norman Finkelstein, Clark University
    Marc Falkoff, McHenry County College
    William Ayers, Boston College
    William Ayers, Georgia Southern University
    William Ayers, University of Nebraska
    John Corvino, Aquinas College
    Jeremiah Wright, Northwestern University
    Norman Finkelstein, DePaul University
    Desmond Tutu, University of St. Thomas
    Robert Trivers, Harvard University
    Roberta Wilhelm, College of St. Mary
    Gary Yourofsky, University of Southern Indiana
    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Columbia University

    Until that list gets to be a rival "series," it can't possibly "continue."

    During the same decade, there have been more such campus protests, including more disinvitations, at the hands of the liberal side of the political spectrum. But lefties don't have a monopoly on free speech intolerance.

  3. What's the source for this list? Conservatives (only) protested Ahmandinejad? Lois Lerner? Jeremiah Wright?

    Maybe the protests were less ideologically-based on more along the lines of keeping people from profiting from their crimes. Looking at you, Lerner and Ayers.

  4. 2006-20162:55 PM

    Maybe the protests were less ideologically-based on more along the lines of keeping people from profiting from their crimes.

    Ah, so now you support Rutgers giving the boot to Condi Rice?

    Ahmandinejad was cancelled due to unspecified "logistical issues" following protests from a pro-Israeli campus group and threats from donors. Lerner cancelled her appearance in the wake of anger about the purported Tea Party audit targeting. Wright had his honorary degree and speaking slot yanked after the college said anti-Wright protests would detract from the "celebratory" nature of commencement. The multiple Ayers cancellations came after the same kind of travelling opposition, leading to stated security concerns, that Milo Yiannopoulos is currently reveling in. Identical attempts to block Ayers' speeches occurred but failed at Brandeis, Millersville U., Penn State, and St. Mary's College, which are each impenetrable fortresses of iron.
