Saturday, October 29, 2016

Suspicions confirmed

CBS News: "Poll: National Anthem Protests Leading Cause For NFL Ratings Drop."  Can't you guys just run up and down the field with a football?


  1. Nielsen Muntz8:16 PM

    The poll is a waste of space. Respondents were literally asked to guess why they thought other people might not be watching the NFL.

    Colin Kaepernick currently plays exclusively for the 49ers. Has he been cloned, so he can repel viewers of all 32 teams? Has the NFL started singing the omnipresent National Anthem before every first down instead of just once, during the pre-game? Is televised football like a Broadway play - once it starts, no one may be admitted?

    Of this season's "Monday Night Football" games, the one with the unwatchable San Francisco 49ers landed in the middle of the pack for eyeballs. The average "MNF" game has attracted 10.7 million viewers this season. The 49ers game got 10.3 million. This despite their broadcast being a 28-0 win against the league's worst ratings problem, the L.A. Rams.

    The Seton Hall poll respondents' second guess for declining ratings, right behind the kneeling protests, was "election coverage." That explanation makes sense, since sports fans are always clicking away from the action to see if any new Hillary emails have turned up in the past 15 minutes, or who or what Donald has just called disgusting. If you don't hear about those developments the moment they happen, you're out of luck because they'll never get mentioned again.

    If the election theory were a good one, NFL viewership would fall sharply every four years, for half a season. Which has never happened. But maybe the theory is only applicable to this, our shared national nightmare. In which case, the TV ratings for football are guaranteed to bounce up on Thursday, November 10, and on Sunday the 13th and Monday the 14th. You can bet on it... but you'd be smarter to bet on the Rams.

  2. For only the second time in history, a World Series game got higher ratings than an NFL game:

    But it must be the election coverage.

  3. Nielsen Muntz2:06 PM

    Did last night's viewers prefer baseball because the Dallas Cowboys and Philadelphia Eagles sometimes play another team that has a kneeling QB? Or because the youngest person who remembers having seen the Cleveland Indians win a World Series is almost 80 years old? (Or 116 for the Cubs.) Impossible to say for certain.

    According to Deadline, this was the second time a World Series Game Five has beaten "Sunday Night Football" in the ratings. "Sunday Night Football" has been on the air for ten years, which the Deadline writer weirdly dubs "the contemporary era."

    World Series games (not just Game Fives) have beaten NFL games head-to-head many times.
