Sunday, October 09, 2016

I just can't watch

I've been a political animal all my life but I'll be watching baseball then the Giants-Packers game.  Hot Air has it right: "If you’ve got anything made of Kevlar lying around the house, you might want to wrap that around you too. Trump is a loose cannon even under the best of circumstances; a Trump who sees his grand project crumbling around him under the biggest spotlight of his life will lose all restraint."


  1. Yugely concerned11:49 AM

    We haven't heard much from Poll Troll since July's glorious week-long Trump "surge" to second place. I hope the boy hasn't hung himself with one of his innumerable victory towels.

  2. Eric - Trump kicked ass last night.

  3. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Donald Trump, as described by a veteran GOP operative in Business Week:

    "It's like in the movies where a guy is riding a horse, gets shot, but the horse is still alive so it keeps running while dragging the corpse in its saddle."

  4. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Can you imagine being an employee on Trump's transition team? Not only is your job pointless, but you probably won't get paid.
