Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The bestest President evah

Here's Jeff Jacoby in the Boston Globe: "Obama has shed his vanity. Just ask him."
Nothing oozes hubris like Barack Obama putting on a humble act.

“There’s a point where the vanity burns away and you’ve had your fill of your name in the papers, or big adoring crowds, or the exercise of power,” the president tells historian Doris Kearns Goodwin in an “exit interview” published by Vanity Fair. “And for me that happened fairly quickly.” Since he no longer revels in his own grandeur, he explains, he won’t fall into the trap of making decisions out of ambition or “thirsty” attachment to the prerogatives of high office.

Do tell.
Jacoby then details how a guy who put himself in the same class as FDR, LBJ and Lincoln has left a trail of wreckage around the world from Syria (he's "haunted") to the security vacuum filled by ISIS.  The Globe's token conservative doesn't even get into Obama's domestic record of low growth, Obamacare and national debt.  You're welcome, America.  You've been blessed.

After Arnold Palmer died, a lot of wags on the Right were wondering how long it would take for "the bride at every wedding" to post a selfie with Arnie.  They were not disappointed.


  1. "We've been blessed" - with a hot soldering iron up our asses.

  2. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Luckily we have objective, totally not bitter conservatives to identify the difference between "the bride at every wedding" (Obama) and "a heartfelt goodbye" (Bush).

  3. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Well, they both may have posted photos of themselves with Arnie, but Arnie only voted for one of them.

  4. Anonymous6:50 AM

    "I'll bet walking on the moon was the second greatest thing this guy ever did." - Obama, probably.

  5. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Well, they both may have posted photos of themselves with Arnie, but Arnie only voted for one of them.

    Which makes Palmer's death, in a potential swing state just before the election, highly suspicious. The ultimate in voter fraud. Shouldn't Congress be looking into possible White House involvement?

    "I'll bet walking on the moon was the second greatest thing this guy ever did." - Obama, probably.

    "My butt still has welts from the eight-year whipping Obama gave us." - Conservatives in the year 2036, certainly.

  6. That's an achievement? Pissing off the opposition is the Participation Trophy for Presidents.
    Hey, Obama can put it next to his Nobel Prize for "We like this kid."

  7. Anonymous11:51 PM

    That's an achievement?

    I don't know, is ""I'll bet walking on the moon was the second greatest thing this guy ever did" an intelligible criticism?

    You and others have spent eight years blasting Obama for posting selfies, having a big ego, playing golf, using a teleprompter, doing guest spots on TV shows, taking vacations (at taxpayer expense yet!), being a "celebrity," bowing to world leaders, and various other asinine sillinesses. Most of which were ignorable if not presidential when practiced from 2001-2008. Eight years. What a good, smart, productive, and totally unhypocritical use of your time on this earth.

    But if Obama had just tweeted Neil Armstrong's and Arnold Palmer's Wikipedia photos, he'd assuredly have gone up several notches in your esteem! Eight years.

    On the subject of achievement, what did all the childish smears and nihilism get your party? Donald Trump. And President Hillary Clinton. Enjoy your prize.
