Saturday, July 23, 2016

Destroy Bernie

Red State: "Busted: 19,252 Emails From DNC Leaked By Wikileaks, And Oh MAN Are They Great!"

The big reveal is that the DNC did all they could to kneecap Bernie Sanders, that atheist.

Extra - So you won't be coming to Knoxville?


  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    And Oh MAN Are They Great!

    Great? Really? Is this one of those "epic" eviscerations? You won't BELIEVE email #13!

  2. Atheist Jew9:54 AM

    And Oh MAN Are They Great!

    Great? Really? How great is it anymore to see yet one more confirmation that the nominating process was stacked against Bernie Sanders, that the DNC likes to snap the choke collars of its lapdog media, that they organized astroturfed protests against Trump, that they get advanced looks at and maybe editing rights to news stories, and that they partner with unbiased news organizations like the Washington Post to hold Rodham Clinton fundraisers, all while having evidence of their documentary trail scrubbed by the likes of Twitter?

    You won't BELIEVE email #13!

    The soul-killing part is, we believe each and every one of them.

  3. Elizabeth Warren told me the system was rigged - and she was right!

  4. Atheist Jew5:14 PM

    A joke I just thought of:

    Bernie: What these emails show the DNC doing to me is an outrage!

    Hillary: I'm tired of hearing about their damn emails!

  5. Anonymous12:23 PM

    So stipulated: anything that hobbles Debbie Wasserman Schultz is an unalloyed public good.

    However, the central flaw in this purported scandal is that there's little to no "did" in what the DNC did.

  6. "Done" Jew6:37 PM

    Apparently there was enough "did" to get "Deb" in deep "doo".

  7. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Oh, goody. By your stupid rationale, Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong with her server.
