Saturday, June 18, 2016

Red flags everywhere

Fox News: "Timeline of terror: Missed warning signs of Orlando radical worry experts."
As officials investigate whether others may have been involved in the attack, which left 49 dead and 53 wounded, lawmakers are trying to find out how the 29-year-old slipped through the cracks.

He was on an FBI watch list twice, reported to authorities by a fearful co-worker, raised alarms at Disney World earlier this year and made a Florida gun shop owner nervous enough to alert police.
The owner of the gun shop called the cops after this guy tried to buy body armor and bulk ammo and nobody in law enforcement said: "hey, this guy has been on our list before."  Nope.  So, as Ace notes, clearly the answer is to restrict Constitutional rights and expand the government - just like always:
This is why I've come to hate gun control laws. These laws are largely buck-passing excuses for lapses by the government. The government, as usual, fails cataclysmically, then begins nattering that it's not its fault it f----ed up for the billionth time; it just needs laws further stripping citizens of more rights, then it'll get its act together. Swearsies.
Just a few dollars more.

Update - Jim Geraghty: "Parade of the red flags."


  1. Full Video - Sean Hannity 6.17.16: Jihad in America | Radical Islam, Trump Muslim Ban

  2. The "AR15" did it10:01 AM

    In the aftermath of even a tragedy like Orlando, there are moments of unintended humor, courtesy of the Democrats.
