Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Joe Biden, please report to the on-deck circle

Here's Hillary lying back in October:
CNN’s JAKE TAPPER: “And you said it was allowed, too.”
HILLARY CLINTON: “Yes, it was.”
TAPPER: “Who allowed it?”
CLINTON: “It was allowed under the rules of the state department. And, again…”
TAPPER: “So nobody signed off on it?”
CLINTON: “No, it was allowed."
Good ole "passive voice" permission.  Of course, the State Department Inspector General released a report today indicating that: no, using a private email server was not allowed.  Reddit has a megathread on this topic but I think this guy has the best post summing up the accumulation of lies Hillary has lied about:

1) Hillary never sought permission to use a private email server
2) The private server violated standing State Department rules
3) After pledging to be "as helpful as possible", Hillary and key aides refused to talk with investigators
4) Staff was told to STFU about Hillary's server
5) Very early into its existence, the server was subject to several hacking attempts

Let's see: we have the IG report, Guccifer is taking a plea deal, and Brian Pagliano is already spilling the beans to the FBI.

Bernie, you magnificent bastard!

Extra - Free Beacon: "Clinton Failed to Report Multiple Attempts to Hack Personal Email"
“Notification is required when a user suspects compromise of, among other things, a personally owned device containing personally identifiable information,” investigators wrote in the report, which was released on Wednesday. “However, OIG found no evidence that the Secretary or her staff reported these incidents to computer security personnel or anyone else within the Department.”
Of course not.  Too many secret yoga routines.

More - Politico: "The 9 biggest revelations in the State IG report on Clinton's emails."

Even more - Commentary: "Why Hillary's rule-breaking matters."


  1. In spite of all this, the FBI still hasn't 'interviewed' her. I'd prefer an interrogation myself. Brass knuckles optional.

  2. Somebody wrote on Reddit that the FBI requested that the State IG wait until the FBI was near the end of their investigation before submitting this report.
    I don't know if that's BS but it could mean the FBI interviews are near.

  3. I hope so - it seems to me that the FBI, devoting over 20 agents who have been looking at this for months (three? four?), is dragging its feet and the State IG finally said - 'screw this, I'm publishing the report' so as to force their hand.
