Monday, May 09, 2016

I agree with 90% of this article

Here's Max Boot writing in the LA Times: "The Republican Party is dead."
There has never been a major party nominee in U.S. history as unqualified for the presidency. The risk of Trump winning, however remote, represents the biggest national security threat that the United States faces today.
What pains me is that this was a winnable election against an extremely flawed Democratic candidate: a congenital liar with historic unfavorability numbers.  There is zero chance that Trump can win the general election.  He's been a Republican all of ten minutes, a conservative of no standing, and his undisciplined style will drag down the whole party.  I'm in the camp of Boot and other conservatives who would rather see him go down to a Mondale-style beatdown to save the party.

But the Republican party is not dead - let's not get crazy now.

Extra - Here's one of my favorite authors, P. J. O'Rourke:
"I am endorsing Hillary, and all her lies and all her empty promises," O'Rourke continued. "It's the second-worst thing that can happen to this country, but she's way behind in second place. She's wrong about absolutely everything, but she's wrong within normal parameters."


  1. Pattern Recognition9:59 PM

    There is zero chance that Trump can win the general election.

    This announcement reminds me of earlier ones I've heard from various pundits, part of a succession of retreating lines in the sand:

    "Trump has zero percent chance of winning the Republican nomination."

    [Um, ok I'll have to move the line back...]
    "Trump isn't even serious, he's just in it for his ego and doesn't even want to win."

    [Um, ok I'll have to move the line back...]
    "Trump has only 20% chance of winning the Republican nomination."

    [Um, ok I'll have to move the line back...]
    "Trump can't win more than 35% of Republican support."

    [Um, ok I'll have to move the line back...]
    "Trump won't win on the first ballot, and will be rejected after that."

    [Um, ok I'll have to move the line back and do a general reset...]
    "There is zero chance that Trump can win the general election."

    And so on, and so on...

  2. Yeah, I'll admit that I've severely underestimated Trump. And now there's a Quinnipiac poll this morning indicating he'll be competitive in the swing states that will decide the election.

    I would be more supportive, perhaps, if every policy statement of his wasn't: "It's gonna be great. You're not going to believe it."

  3. Pattern Recognition9:35 AM

    For me, his immunity to the tyranny of political correctness, and the dire need for somebody to go to Washington with an axe handle and bust the joint up (that includes disruption of the Republican establishment), justifies taking the chance, while having no idea what he will actually do once there.

  4. Anonymous11:46 PM

    And now there's a Quinnipiac poll this morning indicating he'll be competitive in the swing states that will decide the election.

    May 10, 2016, the media: "Oooh! Now we get to write a 'horse race' headline!"

    March 8, 2016, The Week: The Republican primary is basically a four-way tie now
    Donald Trump's national lead has dwindled to almost nothing at all, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll out Tuesday.

    Later that same day: Trump wins the Michigan, Mississippi and Hawaii primaries.

    One week later: Trump wins the Florida, Illinois, North Carolina and Missouri primaries.
