Friday, March 11, 2016

Let's repeat, this time with feeling: "Classification is based on content, not markings."

Fox News: "Source: Clinton IT specialist revealing server details to FBI, 'devastating witness'."
She then added her now standard explanation that nothing she sent or received was marked classified at the time. While technically correct, the distinction appears misleading. The January 2009 classified information non-disclosure agreement signed by Clinton says she understood that classified information could be marked and unmarked, as well as verbal communications.

Classification is based on content, not markings.
Without the markings defense - that only George Stephanopoulos has stressed - Hillary's rationale is that 1) she has no idea what might be considered classified without markings or 2) every single sensitive email found on her server, including 22 classified as "top secret", have been "over-classified" after the fact.

Corollary question: if Hillary received no classified information on her email server, just what was she doing all day as Secretary of State?  It's beyond belief.

1 comment:

  1. I've Always *Tried* To Be6:02 PM

    "What classification, at this point, does it have!?"
