Friday, February 12, 2016

Protect the Queen!

Here's the WashPost commentator Chris Cillizza before last night's Democratic debate:
Clinton will almost certainly be asked about the latest State investigation in the debate tonight. How she responds — and whether Sanders or the debate moderators push her on that response — could be a pivot point not just tonight but in the race more generally.
"Almost certainly?"  Oh, Chris.  Ye of great faith in the unbiased media.  Fox News: "FBI, foundation controversies missing from Clinton questioning at debate."

Gee, I wonder why this didn't come up last night?
The PBS moderators at Thursday night’s Democratic debate failed to ask former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton any questions about the Clinton Foundation, despite news earlier in the day that the State Department had sent it a subpoena for documents about its activities during her tenure in office.

Co-moderator Judy Woodruff happens to be a donor to the Clinton Foundation, and faced criticism from the PBS ombudsman in 2015 for giving to the Clintons.
When the Presidential debates start in earnest, I would hope the Republican candidate would start his opening remark by pointing out the inevitable conflict of interest(s) among the moderators.

No more Candy Crowleys.

1 comment:

  1. Also - Judy Woodruff, A.K.A. Ms. Al Hunt, donated $ to the Clinton Foundation. No bias here, though!
