Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Privileged little girls walk out at Smith College "Hundreds of Smith College students walk out of class to protest racism."

Not racism at Smith, nota bene.  Racism somewhere because there must be solidarity with the precious snowflakes traumatized by uncomfortable speech:
“I’m walking out today because I think it’s important to show this isn’t something that’s happening on one campus, and it isn’t a movement that can be stopped,” said Anna George, a student at Smith. “And I know that racism does exist at Smith since it’s predominantly a white campus.”
Say no more, Anna George.  You had me at "white campus."

Extra - Lifted from comments!  The Onion: "College Encourages Lively Exchange Of Idea - Students, Faculty Invited To Freely Express Single Viewpoint."


  1. Area Commenter9:27 PM

    The Onion is, of course, the furthest thing from a conservative publication imaginable. But apparently there are some progressive trends in society too much even for them:

    College Encourages Lively Exchange Of Idea
    Students, Faculty Invited To Freely Express Single Viewpoint

  2. I'm totally stealing this. Thanks!
