Friday, October 30, 2015

Teach me how to journal

This profane screed from Ace on the media has made my top-ten list for 2015.  Here's a semi-clean excerpt:
But Cultural Power is Political Power, and the fact that these imbeciles populate our Idiot Boxes and speak words to us at night puts them in a position where they can serve as the witch-doctors of a heathen, ugly, wicked tribe, if they choose to.
It's the job of journalists, some might argue, to report the news - the first edition of history - accurately and in an objective manner.  From Brian Williams, to Dan Rather, to Jayson Blair (just to name the pure fabulists) it's clear that they can't accomplish this simple task.  So why do we put them in charge of these Presidential debates?  What makes "journalists" more qualified than, as Ace puts it, the next guy sitting on a barstool?

In fact, let's put that guy on the barstool in charge of the next debate.  To paraphrase William F. Buckley, I'd rather have the first dozen names in the Boston telephone directory moderate the Presidential debates rather than the royalty of the American media.


  1. Anonymous12:22 AM

    "Mr. Burns, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?"

  2. Heh, yeah. The Simpsons did the flip side of that when Sideshow Bob (Republican) was interviewed on Fox News. "Tonight we'll have a debate between beloved children's entertainer Sideshow Bob and....this guy."

  3. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Or tap a retired federal judge--someone who, usually, has at least learned how to appear to be neutral.

  4. I'm all for that idea.

  5. Anonymous1:26 PM

    It's priceless to see the GOP crying about unfair gotcha questioning by a partisan organization, one week after the latest Benghazipalooza.

  6. Eponymous9:39 PM

    Yeah, and it was good to see Obama calling them out on that as well. That would be the same Obama who hasn't stopped whining about Fox News since the day he was first inaugurated.

  7. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Remember when Obama whined about yes/no questions, dressing room accomodations and the temperature in the room? What a weepy wuss.

  8. Eponymous9:28 AM

    Those wussy Republicans. Why don't they follow the example of Democrat presidential candidates, who are willing to submit uncomplainingly to the bias and mistreatment they receive when they participate in a debate hosted by Fox News? They stand toe-to-toe with the moderators and call them out on their bias and nastiness.

    Oh wait, that's right - the Democrats won't appear on a Fox News debate because they're too afraid!!!

    A little history lesson - there was once an actual Democrat presidential debate scheduled for Fox News. But apparently the night before the debate the Democrats got cold feet, scurried away, and cancelled the debate! Believe it or not, their excuse for cancelling was that Roger Ailes told a joke that offended their delicate sensibilities.

  9. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Hey, shhhh, calm down. You sound as flustered as a campaign representative negotiating a basketball hoop and a thermostat.

    But apparently the night before the debate the Democrats got cold feet, scurried away, and cancelled the debate!

    The cancellation was on March 7. The first debate of the Democratic debate cycle was on April 26. The Fox debate was scheduled for August 7.

    “The night before,” five months before, you say to-mah-to. (A "little history lesson": dates have something to do with history.)

    But that's just a little joshing about this brand new outrage that took eight years to outrage you, when you read it on some website yesterday. What is the premise here? That it's not embarrassing for Republicans to scurry because the Democrats started it, mom, by scurrying first? That Republicans are only as gutless and petulant as the Democrats? That the Dems’ lame decision in some way validates the Republicans’? Interesting.

  10. Eponymous6:44 PM

    The Fox debate was scheduled for August 7.

    Thank you for that information that Reuters didn't see fit to provide.

    As for any remarks you wish to make about Republican reactions to Democrat-run debates, get back to me when the Democrats gain the apparently large measure of courage it will take for them to stand, knees knocking, on a Fox News debate stage.

  11. Anonymous9:05 PM

    As opposed to Republicans appearing on Fox News, knees down on the ground, lips open wide.

    "We'll be brave someday, but only if we go second!" Now THAT'S a bumper sticker of victory.

  12. Cannon, I think11:17 PM

    ...Aaaaand that's the towel.

  13. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Yes, when performing the act I described, it can be more comfortable to put a towel under one's knees.

    I'd never dispute your 78th consecutive declaration of total masterful victory, but again, WHAT is your premise?

    That the Democrats are scared, but Republicans are... well, never mind them, we're only talking about Democrats? That people aren't laughing at or criticizing the 2016 GOP field, including many conservatives in the media, and that the GOP's debate summit wasn't inept, because of things President Obama has said? That Republicans are wise to follow the example of Democrats?

    It's nice to be triumphant, but it's nicer to be coherent.

  14. Eponymous10:25 AM

    Yes, when performing the act I described, it can be more comfortable to put a towel under one's knees.

    I'll just have to take your word on that.

  15. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Don't feel bad, you'll get one someday.
