Saturday, October 17, 2015

It's (not) getting hot in here

This won't convince the true believers of climate change alarmism since it's a religion to them.  Here's a longish review to bookmark: "What I Learned about Climate Change: The Science is not Settled."


  1. Anonymous5:11 PM

    There's only one conservative political party in the world that denies the science of man's contributory effect on global warming.

  2. Settled in Court9:45 AM

    Yeah, the losers. Once we start sending them to jail though, that'll shut them up, right?

  3. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Great retort. The scientific projections are all overblown and faked, but deniers are genuinely on the verge of being sent to jail 5 minutes from now.

    Truly, there is nothing worse than foolish rhetoric. That's what we always get from "true believers" of "alarmism" and their climate change "religion."

    From Germany to North Korea, from Sweden to Saudi Arabia, from Canada to China, there's literally just one political party in the world that says "Not true, not proven, not happening." Congratulations, you're special.

  4. Yup, going great in Germany:

    But 97% of scientists say we should jump off that cliff. Who are we to argue?

  5. Anonymous1:27 PM

    On this subject, you and your party are, literally, further afield than Kim Jong-Un. Embrace it.

  6. Wondering7:58 PM

    What was the last example of observed physical science that had 97% consensus, but was totally wrong?

  7. Like most everything else in the climate debate, this is a myth:

    But you can stare at the mirror like that guy from the Sierra Club and repeat: "I believe in the 97%."

  8. Kim Sung I'll Be Warm For Christmas11:18 PM

    Truly, there is nothing worse than foolish rhetoric. Nothing was ever more verily and un-self-awaredly said.

    From Germany to North Korea, from Sweden to Saudi Arabia, from Canada to China, there's literally just one political party in the world that says "Not true, not proven, not happening." Just think of it as the "Galileo" party. And keep telling yourself, "If we agree with the Commies and the Islamists, and various flotsam and jetsam of the developing world, we must be believing something right."

    What was the last example of observed physical science that had 97% consensus, but was totally wrong? A good start would be Mr. G., above. I'll leave aside the humor of calling something based on curve-fitted computer models and fraudulent data records an "example of observed physical science."
