Thursday, September 10, 2015

Not a single accomplishment to speak of

Let's put aside the email controversy - oh, it'll still be around - and focus on Hillary's resume, or lack thereof:
For nearly a quarter-century, Hillary Rodham Clinton has played an outsized role in the nation’s consciousness as an advocate and a political survivor. Her presidential campaign’s favorite way to describe her is as “a fighter.”
But something surprising has emerged in public opinion about the former first lady, senator and secretary of state. Asked to name something tangible that Clinton has actually accomplished, many voters come up blank.
When Bloomberg News posed the question in May to a focus group of 10 Iowa Democrats, they praised Clinton for strength, experience and competence but could not recall a single thing she had done.
Given that her tenure as Secretary of State was an unmitigated disaster, it's a valid question to ask what she's done to merit the Presidency.  Well, have no fear, because Brent Budowsky is here to lay down the truth, baby!
It is an equally big truth that Clinton is the most qualified person in the race for the presidency. She was the closest confidant and full partner during the most successful and fondly remembered presidency of modern times, an achievement no other candidate can match.
There you have it, America: she was married to Bill Clinton.  Were you?  No, you weren't.


  1. I'd leave a more pithy and funny comment, but it'll get deleted like my last one...

  2. What? I didn't delete anything. I appreciate my many fans!

    Unless that was a Hillary joke.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I posted a comment on last Sunday's Hillary post with (paraphrasing here) 'Vote for me - I don't have a penis!' I saw the comment get posted, and it was removed by the next day.

  5. Hmmmm....I have no idea. I don't generally remove comments unless there's a lot of profanity. Which I'm guilty of sometimes...

  6. Godfrey Daniels5:45 PM

    I don't generally remove comments unless there's a lot of profanity.

    Your policy is nothing but codswallop!
