Sunday, September 20, 2015

Isn't that exactly what you'd expect a replicant to say?

CBS News: "Hillary Clinton: 'I am a real person'."

We're going to need this equipment.

Extra - From today's Boston Globe: "Hillary Clinton is lacking in the art of contact"
Some in the audience of 300 packed into a Boys & Girls Club in this lakeside town appeared moved by the story. But not, at least that one could tell, the woman who organized the forum, which was intended to focus on the scourge of drug addiction in New Hampshire. 
Hillary Clinton physically backed up closer to a wall as she listened and nodded. When the woman finished her story, the leading Democratic presidential contender retrieved a microphone, turned away, and began asking another panelist to respond. 
Then she stopped herself. “I’m very sorry,” said Clinton, who followed with a bland observation. “We’re not doing enough on mental health treatment.” 
No real show of compassion. No hug or even a touch on the hand.


  1. "The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you've got it made."9:34 PM

    If only Hillary could display some honest authenticity about drug addiction, like the warm and relatable Carly Fiorina at the GOP debate. Fiorina was applauded for opening her heart and personalizing her opposition to marijuana legalization, when she called pot a gateway drug in connection with her own child who'd died from drug addiction. Fine, so the daughter was a 35-year-old bulimic and alcoholic who'd been in and out of rehab several times and who ultimately overdosed on the prescription drugs she was obtaining through her job in pharmaceutical sales. Unfortunately, the debate format doesn't lend itself to an excess of detail.

    Was the story relevant to the marijuana issue? That's a gotcha question, I'm not a scientist, and I will trust the voters to make that decision.

    Until then, chalk up another victim to the weed that kills.

  2. Addicted to Power, No Rehab Stints9:46 AM

    I was moved to tears by Hillary's authentic humanity when she said recently that rape accusers have "the right to be believed." Then I remembered...

    This was from the lady who headed up the team that smeared and destroyed every woman who came forward to testify about being sexually abused by this lady's own husband.

    Is it even possible for a human being to have such a lack of self-awareness?
