Saturday, July 25, 2015

Here come the entitlement cuts

WashPost: "A cut to Social Security disability benefits may be around the corner."
The disability trust fund will be depleted by the fourth quarter of 2016, leaving the administration with enough income to pay 81 percent of benefits, according to the report, which is updated annually.

The health of the Social Security program didn’t change by much, and the cut to disability benefits has been expected for years. But now that Congress has still not come up with a compromise for boosting the funding, the shortfall is more imminent.
Yes, there have been some bloggers who have pointed out for years now that automatic cuts are baked into the cake once the various "trust funds" run dry.  I can't wait to hear all the great solutions to be proposed by the Democrats, since Republicans would be crazy to put out proposals just so they can be accused of pushing Granny over a cliff.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, there have been some bloggers who have pointed out for years...

    Can't think of any off the top of my head!
