Tuesday, July 28, 2015

America wants war - the only option

Hot Air: "CNN poll: Majority rejects Iran deal, 44/52."


  1. David Lean4:45 PM

    Hooray, policy by poll. Welcome aboard, Viking Pundit, to agreeing that climate change is real, that we should keep and improve Obamacare, and that Social Security must be preserved even if it's necessary to raise taxes.

    YouGov has opinion on the Iran treaty at 43%-30% in favor, PPP has it at 54%-38% in favor, and WaPo/ABC has it 56%-37% in favor. So with a 3-1 edge, Congress should approve 75% of the treaty.

  2. Yeah, those polls were before Americans realized we were giving $100 billion to Hezbollah and we're depending on the Iranians to do their own inspections.

    Hey weren't we going to stop calling it "Obamacare" by now?

  3. David Lean10:17 PM

    Yeah, those polls were before Americans realized we were giving $100 billion to Hezbollah and we're depending on the Iranians to do their own inspections.

    Ah, bad polls and good polls. Hooray for the good polls.

    Hey weren't we going to stop calling it "Obamacare" by now?

    Two generations of Republican candidates are going to wish we had, at least according to the latest bad polls. Get ready to gripe for the rest of your life about "scaring Grandma... and Mama... and Junior."

  4. Yes, hold tight to your good polls:

    "Obamacare sticker shock: Big rate hikes proposed for 2016"


  5. David Lean2:25 AM

    "Obamacare Destruction Sequence Number 26... initiate!"
