Wednesday, July 15, 2015

America in retreat

Here's Dana Milbank in the WashPost: "Obama’s news conference was a case for American weakness."  "This was an undercurrent of the whole news conference Wednesday afternoon, and of Obama’s overall defense of the Iran deal. He was tough and strong, but in service of the argument that American power is limited — that this is the best deal we could get with our declining leverage. His defenders call it realism; it also may amount to ratifying retreat."


  1. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Dana Milbank has a certain... fixation. Some of his other column titles include:

    Strong or Weak? Critics Unsure
    Generation X: The Weakest Generation?
    Obama: A Tale of 'Tyranny' and Weakness
    Problem Isn't That Obama Projects Weakness; He Doesn't Project Much of Anything
    Obama Budget: A Remarkably Weak and Timid Document

    In those columns and others, Milbank is forever going on about who is or isn't "standing up," who has gone from "weak to weaker," who is "weak and passive," who's a "weak moderate," who is "showing weakness," whose actions can be explained as having "more to do with weakness," who is making their "opponent look weak" or his party's "leadership look weak," who is "smelling weakness," in a world of weak strategists, weak fundraisers, weak dealmakers, weak speakers, weak leaders, weak policies, weak responses...

    With this lens through which so much is seen and defined, something tells me that Milbank didn't get to keep a lot of his lunch money growing up.

  2. Unreal deal9:35 AM

    Finally! One memorable moment from the Obama years. The several seconds of "deer in the headlights" from Obama when Major Garrett asked his question was priceless.

  3. "Doe!"5:55 PM

    That was plainly Obama deciding to self-edit a more inflammatory reply before speaking. But, whatever gets you hot.

  4. More like after 6 years of kid-glove treatment, one of those asskissers in the media decided to show some integrity.

    Then Dana Bash and Bill Maher among others rushed to defend Babycakes.

  5. 'Splain plainly, please9:44 AM

    That was plainly Obama deciding to self-edit a more inflammatory reply before speaking.

    And what would have been his reason for being inflamed - racism?

  6. 'Splain plainly, please9:55 AM

    Impertinence? Hemorrhoids?


  7. Under the bus4:00 PM

    Just because you wish to climb up Mount Stupid, don't expect me to be your sherpa.

  8. Plainly Unexplained Pain10:48 PM

    Got it. The reason for Obama to be inflamed in that particular situation (as you announced he plainly was), will just have to remain a mystery.

  9. Troll-la-la-la11:31 PM

    Plainly, your powers of thought are slowed by hemorrhoids.

  10. If it ain't plain, it ain't pain10:04 AM

    Your behavior after you've lost an argument always cracks me up.

    But it's my responsibility to inform you that your ace-in-the-hole nonsense rhetoric doesn't keep people from noticing that you're hiding with your tail between your legs. Sorry to break that news to you. But hey, give it one more shot...

  11. We conclude with the Troll's Motto4:01 PM
