Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A sham of a farce of an "agreement"

Well, they wanted a deal badly and they got a bad deal.  I skimmed down this Fox News story until I hit this precious section:
The last major sticking point appeared to be whether international weapons inspectors would be given access to Iranian nuclear sites. The deal includes a compromise between Washington and Tehran that would allow U.N. inspectors to press for visits to Iranian military sites as part of their monitoring duties. However, access at will to any site would not necessarily be granted and even if so, could be delayed, a condition that critics of the deal are sure to seize on as possibly giving Tehran time to cover any sign of non-compliance with its commitments.
Ridiculous.  Inspections was the only part of the deal with any meat on the bone and now that's gone.  Oh, but we have the paper-mache "snap back" sanctions, which nobody believes will stick.  John Kerry and Barack Obama wanted to believe and that bit of self-delusion was good enough.

Congratulations, Iran.

Extra - On the other hand, like a Red Sox batter on a bad hitting streak, maybe Obama is due for a foreign policy success:
And how can we doubt the wisdom and judgment of the man who described ISIS as the "junior varsity"? Who assured us in December 2011 that in withdrawing US troops he was leaving behind a "sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq"? Who held up Yemen as a model of US backed counter-insurgency, until the Iranian-sponsored rebels overthrew the government? Who famously said in 2011 that Assad of Syria must go, although with continued Iranian backing, Assad hasn't? Who agreed to overthrow Qadaffi in Libya, with no credible plan to win the peace?

I suppose supporters of this deal can argue that Obama can't be wrong about everything, but I think he is on a roll.
Peace in our time.  I hear Obama's going to speak this morning; hope he has a paper to wave over his head.


  1. Anonymous4:26 PM

    This is the worst Iranian arms deal by a feckless President ever. We didn't even get any hostages this time.

  2. Anonymous10:07 PM

    I hear Obama's going to speak this morning; hope he has a paper to wave over his head.

    Everything's always gonna be WW2 for some. But if you're going to play that played-out game, progressive liberals weren't the ones swooning with desire last year over that manly leader Vladimir Putin.

  3. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Everything's always gonna be WW2 for some. But if you're going to play that played-out game, progressive liberals weren't the ones swooning with desire last year over that manly leader Vladimir Putin.
