Wednesday, June 24, 2015

So that happened

I avoid talking about my professional life because there have been stories about people revealing too much information and getting in trouble.  That said.....

I've never - ever - been let go from a job in my life. But today I was informed that our whole company will be relocated and merged into a sister branch.  What this means is that at some time in the near future, I'll be getting an envelope along with some "job transition" counseling.

I suppose I could fall into the Elizabeth Warren mindset and blame the "rigged" system that is crushing my future, but that's not how I roll.  Instead I'm going to blast out my resume and hope for the best, secure in my belief that some corporate entity will trade my talent for cash.  Which helps when you have several degrees in engineering.  Score!


  1. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Good luck Eric. I hope you find something better!

  2. Thanks. Actually because they're transitioning technology, I found out today that I won't have to leave for at least a YEAR.

    So I got that goin' for me...which is nice.

  3. Nice Carl Spackler reference - good luck to ya, mate!

  4. Are you still looking to do stuff with fiber optics?
