Sunday, June 14, 2015

Old woman cites the Beatles

Philip Klein: "If Republicans can't beat Hillary, they should disband the party."
Hillary Clinton certainly has a flair for the ironic. "There may be some new voices in the Republican presidential choir," Clinton observed in Saturday's re-annoucement that she was running for president. "But they're all singing the same old song — a song called 'Yesterday.'"

Clinton was accusing Republicans of being trapped in the past in the same speech that she began by referencing a speech Franklin Roosevelt gave in 1941. And in doing so, she quoted a song the Beatles released in 1965 — before Republicans Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal had even been born.
Speaking of ironic, I liked her populist criticism against hedge-fund managers as (presumably) her hedge-fund manager son-in-law sat nearby.  Of course the only thing keeping his hedge fund afloat is support from Clinton pals, because Clintons.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    So how many "launches" does this make for her campaign? Does she keep forgetting she's already done it?
