Monday, May 04, 2015

Bad timing in Baltimore

NPR had a story this morning about a young guy in Baltimore who was complaining that nobody was listening to the NPR person had him act as a tour guide.  And wouldn't you know it, Charm City is great!
"Look at this atmosphere! People out dancing," he says. "Every day, this is the atmosphere. It's not an atmosphere of aggression. It's not an atmosphere of violence!"
Cool!  Let's check out your house, bro!
We head to the last landmark Addison wants to show me: a row house where he pays $400 a month to sleep on a mattress in the unfinished basement. When we get to the street, it's cordoned off with yellow crime tape.

Neighbors tell him two men were shot on the street about an hour ago, one in the stomach, one in the head.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    The timing was awesome. A guy is trying to be upbeat and positive in the face of unrelenting societal disinterest and a broader social dialogue dominated by politics and demagoguery and then - BAM! - another murder happens in the economically savaged neighborhood he desperately wants to improve.

