Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The populist enters

Hit and Run: "Bernie Sanders is running for President - Contain yourselves."

I'm convinced that fake Indian/confirmed airhead Elizabeth Warren will never enter the race, so if the Democrats are looking for their class warfare candidate then Bernie will have to do.  And, brother, if you're in the market for Koch Brothers conspiracy theories well then prepare yourself for a feast.


  1. Eric - just curious as to why you're convinced that Liz will not enter the race. She's my worst fear. Liz is at least photogenic and will have the support of the entire left wing, which is not wild about Hillary, and I think Hillary will flame out (my best guess is that an as-yet-unheard of scandal will surface).
    On the other hand, it'll be really cool to have our first Native-American president...

  2. siacd99912:57 PM

    You never know; maybe they will get Bernie to draft Warren as VP. Saying repeatedly "I'm not running for office" while actually doing things to aid in a campaign worked well for the fictional politician Francis Underwood, and we know how much progressives love their fictional presidents, like the one from West Wing, and Al Gore.

  3. I've heard stories about Elizabeth Warren running away from the press and pretending to be deep in conversation when reporters yell questions at her. I think she knows she'd never survive the fake Indian stories and every speech she gives is a bland mix of victimization and platitudes.

    Hillary, on the other hand, has no shame about mouthing words:


  4. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I agree that Warren isn't sending up smoke signals indicating she's going to run.
