Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hillary's lies didn't survive the press conference

Hot Air: "Hillary trainwreck: It was “inconvenient” to carry two devices for two e-mail accounts. Also, I destroyed tons of e-mails."

A nanosecond after she said it was inconvenient to carry two phones, everybody found this clip from only two weeks ago talking about all the devices she carries.  What difference does it make?

Extra - Legal Insurrection: "Hillary’s email explanation is self-contradictory – here’s how (#TurnOverTheServer)"  That is, she erased all the personal emails but nobody can see the server.  Well, why not?

More - PJ Media: "Politico Sums Up Hillary’s Message at Press Conference: ‘Go to Hell’"


  1. She could hand over her server with a pink ribbon on it for all she cares. Its been scrubbed by now. Everybody knows that.

  2. Anonymous2:58 PM

    This may only be funny to me, but 30 years ago you used to have political "discussions" aka fights, on a BBS with a user named *CAT*. You just linked to this article: http://hotair.com/archives/2015/03/11/wapo-senior-dems-wringing-their-hands-about-hillarys-shrug/ which includes a link to a user named Meryl Yourish, aka *CAT*.

  3. OMG - Mike?

    I'm getting old....

  4. Not as old as I am. By two days, anyway.
