Sunday, March 22, 2015

Early onset Clinton fatigue

Today's Boston Globe main editorial: "Elizabeth Warren, run for the White House."

I think this is a great idea.  Elizabeth Warren might be the only politician in America with fewer accomplishments than Hillary.  I look forward to her national campaign of studied victimology and brain-dead legislative proposals.  Are you feeling "hammered" and "squeezed", America?  Yes we are!

Extra - From Legal Insurrection, natch.


  1. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Elizabeth Warren might be the only politician in America with fewer accomplishments than Hillary.

    Didn't she beat the pin-up from New Hampshire whose vote put an end to Obamacare, and who owned a very important truck?

  2. Tee Pee Ha Ha9:41 PM

    Well, since Squaw Warren did manage to get herself elected to something, I guess you could call that a kind of accomplishment, though it gets a bit dizzyingly recursive as a qualification for another election.

    My favorite Cheek Bone Lizzy accomplishment was her screech about how business owners were only successful because "the rest of us" paid for the roads, etc. My eyes almost welled with tears of gratitude when she said that she was going to let those owners keep "a big hunk" of the money they took in ("God Bless!").

    But maybe we should be more impressed by the skill with which she enriched herself by flipping houses back home in Cherokee country. I believe she got to keep a really big hunk of that money!

    But I forgot her biggest accomplishment of all - managing to join the Cherokee nation! Anyone who can do that can certainly govern the country.
