Friday, March 27, 2015


Powerline: "Harry Reid to step down, says not due to 'exercise accident'."

Oh, sure, I totally believe that Harry Reid had an "exercise accident" that broke his eye socket and a couple of ribs in a sequence of Inspector Clouseau-like pratfalls.  And now he's been - ahem - convinced not to run again.


  1. Anonymous9:35 PM

    The truth is out there!

  2. Fillibusted9:28 AM

    The truth is out there!

    And it impacted Reid's eye socket.

  3. The one where some exercise equipment beat the hell out of him?

  4. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Question: Why isn't every Democrat politician being asked if they support Reid's claim that his lie about Romney not paying taxes for 10 years is okay because, "He didn't win, did he?"

    Answer: Because they're Democrats.

  5. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Harry Reid is obviously hiding a Mafia beatdown, but Mitt Romney's refusal to release his tax returns is perfectly normal and defensible. This thread is amusing.

  6. Koch brothers...Koch brothers...Koch brothers...10:17 PM

    Yeah, this thread is amusing. The most amusing thing about it is your ignorance.

  7. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Er, did you snooze through 2012? Nice link. Keep workin' that Google. See if that one bonus tax return and the take-our-word-for-it “summary” quashed the issue. See how the numbers shifted because of Romney’s truncated Friday news dump, under duress, in mid-September, because his campaign was drowning.

    You like polls, right? You think polls are a fabulous argument-squelcher, right? Go Google the 2012 poll findings on whether Romney should or should not match Obama (or 1968 non-nominee George Romney) by releasing 12 years of his tax returns. Dip your toe in the public’s opinion about whether Romney should also release records of his Swiss and Cayman Islands holdings.

    After that, see if you can locate any current Google matches for “Jeb Bush” and “Romney problem.” Problem?!? Such silly links! Don’t they realize that Romney “punk’d” the left? How can they not understand, as did, that Romney “played a long game, and did so masterfully”?

  8. Refusing Harry9:25 AM

    My my, quite a furious dance of righteous indignation in the service of face-saving.

    The bottom line: "Romney released his tax returns two months before the election" just doesn't quite carry the ring of condemnation that "Romney refused to release his tax returns" does. You went with the latter, and got burned.

    But thanks for a good laugh to start the day.

  9. Anonymous4:47 PM

    News for the slow-witted or comatose: Romney was heavily criticized throughout 2012 for "refusing to release his tax returns," despite the fact he'd already released a tax return in January.

    The issue was always about a decade of tax returns, not just one (and much later, two). You might have missed that can of worms, but Bill Kristol didn't. Kristol publicly said, "He should release the tax returns tomorrow. It's crazy." George Will publicly said that Romney's having released "something" was not enough. It's so rare that those two are correct, and you want to take it away from them based on a pedantic point of order that had nothing to do with the political reality?

    Otherwise, what's the fuss about Hillary Clinton's email server? She's not hiding her emails, because she eventually released some.

  10. Only the Political is Real6:35 PM

    You're dancing with tears in your eyes.

    Thanks for the laughs, again.

  11. My dance: Yes We Can-Can. Your dance: "Taps"11:05 PM

    To borrow Townhall's shrewd analysis, your responses are as "masterful" as Romney, emphatically putting his tax return albatross behind him. When even a dunce with the track record of Bill Kristol is years ahead of you, well...

    Savor your typed LOLs. When you can't win the White House, declaring victory on a blog's comments page must be just as satisfying.

  12. Poll dance9:19 AM

    ...emphatically putting his tax return albatross behind him

    And you have most emphatically not put it behind you. Look at all the energy you put into your diatribes about it. When no other living person has given it so much as a thought since before the 2012 election.

    Keep those feet moving.

  13. Foot fetish3:01 PM

    When no other living person has given it so much as a thought since before the 2012 election.

    Oh, Goofus. You brought up Romney's taxes, to bash Harry Reid. Still stings, huh?

    Or you could Google "Jeb Bush" + "Romney problem."

    But technically, you're right. Ultimately, Romney DID release two tax returns, with an s. And Hillary released her private emails... and Nixon released the tapes... and Iran released the hostages. And in each case, that settled everything.

  14. Foot Fungus10:01 PM

    You brought up Romney's taxes, to bash Harry Reid. Still stings, huh?

    Actually, I brought up how Harry Reid justified lying about Romney not paying taxes, to bash Harry Reid. Your bowdlerized re-wording of that speaks of the great pain it caused you. The sting of that pain somehow drove you into your irrelevant, non-sequitor, frantic diatribes about the entirely separate and still under-appreciated saga of Romney "refusing to release" his tax returns in 2012, a story to which no other living person has given so much as a thought since before the 2012 election.

    I'm tired and actually a little guilty of making you look so bad in this thread. Are we done here?

    Or will you spend tonight coming up with more things for me to Google?

  15. Foot fetish1:38 PM

    Are we done here?

    We've been done since November 2012.

    Actually, I brought up how Harry Reid justified lying about Romney not paying taxes, to bash Harry Reid.

    And I replied with the amusing contrast in this thread between the natural, sensible deduction that mobsters secretly beat Harry Reid half-blind, because of course they must have, and the fury over Reid's fact-free assertion that Romney hadn’t paid taxes. That's when you tried and failed to relitigate the universally acknowledged political truth that Romney refused to release his tax returns, and endured some campaign troubles because of that refusal.

    Oh dear! I said “universally” when no one on Alpha Centauri has ever been asked to comment. My entire premise is therefore invalid, Romney’s perfectly-timed transparency burned everyone, and I’m weeping onto my dancing feet, or something else bad.

    George Will, July 2012, half a year after Mitt Romney had released a tax return: “The cost of not releasing the returns are clear. Therefore, he must have calculated that there are higher costs in releasing them.” O, foul baseless speculation! Who was writing Will’s stuff, Harry Reid?

  16. Anonymous1:41 PM

    will you spend tonight coming up with more things for me to Google?

    No, Google’s my ally, not yours. For example, this 2015 Politico article headlined “Jeb To Come Clean”:
    “As he lays the groundwork for a likely presidential campaign, Jeb Bush is prepared to make an early disclosure of a decade or more of personal tax returns, according to people close to the former Florida governor.

    The effort is meant in large part to eliminate comparisons to 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney, who waited until September of 2012 to release just two years of tax returns after months of pressure from Democrats and even members of his own party to be more open about his extensive wealth.

    As Romney held off on the tax return release, Democrats successfully painted him as an out-of-touch multi-millionaire who had something to hide... Romney never found a strong rebuttal to these critiques.”

    Or, as your ludicrous Googled link described it:
    “It's official: The Romney campaign possesses a wicked sense of humor and an enviable degree of patience... the Democrats and their media allies are being treated to a Friday feast of piping hot crow... It's okay to point and laugh... hand it to the Romney campaign: They played a long game here, and did so masterfully.... The tax returns issue [is] all gone now.”

    Romney "refusing to release" his tax returns in 2012, a story to which no other living person has given so much as a thought since before the 2012 election.

    The families of the Politico writer, his Politico editors, and the late Jeb Bush will be heartbroken to hear that.
