Monday, February 09, 2015

Cats and dogs living together

American Spectator: "Obamacare ruling may end civilization as we know itProgressive panic mounts as PPACA’s latest date with the Court draws nigh."


  1. Anonymous10:30 PM

    The linked article was great, and had a tragicomic feel to it. I hadn't been following this story closely enough to realize the left had descended to the level of making such desperate claims, and shamelessly so.

  2. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Those desperate claims are so tragicomic that the poor deluded souls making them should be marched before one of the many Obamacare death panels.

    Harsh, yes, but those of us left behind will be the true victims. Because we have to watch socialized medicine send premiums skyrocketing, kill millions of jobs, and raid Medicare.

  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Those desperate claims are so tragicomic that the poor deluded souls making them should be marched before one of the many Obamacare death panels.

    No, I wouldn't wish that on anyone, not even them.

    Those of us left behind will ... have to watch socialized medicine send premiums skyrocketing, kill millions of jobs, and raid Medicare.

    Don't give up hope. The Supreme Court has yet to rule.

  4. Anonymous11:53 AM

