Friday, January 16, 2015

This is a joke, right?

Daily Caller: "Apology Tour: John Kerry Brings James Taylor To Paris To Play “You’ve Got A Friend”."
Kerry awkwardly stood by as Taylor played his song for the crowd, who applauded loudly when he was done.
To be fair, everything Kerry does is done awkwardly.  No word on whether friendship bracelets were lovingly wrapped around French wrists.

Extra - Twitchy: "No way this really happened."

More - Hit and Run: "That's Secretary of State John Kerry and his pal James Taylor in Paris, singing America's condolences for the Charlie Hebdo massacre. Terror experts are unsure how the French will retaliate."

Update - France has responded with the Grass Roots:

1 comment:

  1. In pieces on the ground9:48 AM

    This is pragmatism. They found out that #hashtags don't work, so it's time to bring out another tool in their their foreign policy strategy.

    Tool indeed.
