Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sally Kohn's stupid article is stupid

Over at CNN, some dummy says we shouldn't purposely antagonize Muslims because "free speech comes with responsibilities."  What it all boils down to is another liberal who wants to decide the limits of First Amendment rights.  Who decides what is disrespectful and what will get you killed for blasphemy?  Kohn makes desultory points that dance around this fundamental point before falling back on a wan call for respect.  Because let's be nice.

If Kohn believes her insipid blather, then let's pull "The Book of Mormon" from Broadway.  I remember when Kanye West appeared as Jesus on the cover of Rolling Stone, somebody remarked that if he really wanted to make himself a controversial figure, he would have appeared as Mohammad.  The difference, it needn't be said, is that Christians aren't going to murder Kanye and firebomb the offices of Rolling Stone.

I'm insulted by Kohn's article and, so insulted, I demand its immediate retraction.

Extra - Taylor Marsh: "Unity rally celebrating liberty and those who would police speech."

More - And this from Iowahawk:


  1. Cone Head9:32 PM

    I condemn Oswald's assassination of JFK. But Kennedy could have been less disrespectful of communism.

  2. "All Americans that they need to watch what they say, watch what they do."10:43 PM

    What it all boils down to is another liberal who wants to decide the limits of First Amendment rights. Who decides what is disrespectful and what will get you killed for blasphemy?

    Grrr, those liberal dummy liberals. Another typical lefty, Bill Donahue of the touchy-feely Catholic League, doubles down on the insipid:

    "Killing in response to insult, no matter how gross, must be unequivocally condemned. That is why what happened in Paris cannot be tolerated. But neither should we tolerate the kind of intolerance that provoked this violent reaction.

    ...What unites Muslims in their anger against Charlie Hebdo is the vulgar manner in which Muhammad has been portrayed. What they object to is being intentionally insulted over the course of many years. On this aspect, I am in total agreement with them.

    Stephane Charbonnier, the paper’s publisher, was killed today in the slaughter. It is too bad that he didn’t understand the role he played in his tragic death. In 2012, when asked why he insults Muslims, he said, “Muhammad isn’t sacred to me.” Had he not been so narcissistic, he may still be alive."

  3. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Bill Donahue is a lobbyist with an axe to grind given the "insults" that Catholics and Christians in general take from liberals in this country (and doesn't that create quite the irony in light of libs' current bleatings). He is therefore eager to leap in defense of another religion getting similar treatment so that his usual complaints will seem less self-serving.

    This isn't rocket science.

  4. siacd99911:56 AM

    In the past year, how many people have been inspired to kill non-Christians by Bill Donahue? How many deaths can be attributed to what he says?

    And the French Muslim cop the terrorists shot, how did his actions insult Muslims? And that of the consumers in the Jewish supermarket? How did their desire for kosher food products offend Allah?

  5. Anonymous5:07 PM

    In the past year, how many people have been inspired to kill non-Christians by Bill Donahue? How many deaths can be attributed to what he says?

    Precisely twice as many as liberal CNN dummy Sally Kohn?
