Saturday, November 08, 2014

Fauxcohontas wants to let you know you're being hammered

Native American Senator Elizabeth Warren has penned an opinion piece for the Washington Post and it's everything you'd expect from the populist do-nothing.  Here's a sampling of her greatest hits:

"families are getting squeezed hard"
"changes needed if families are going to get a shot"
"this government does not work for them"
"The American people want a fighting chance"
"looking for the chance to rig the game just a little more"
"working families just get hammered"

And so on.  All of Washington is rigged to hammer you working families looking for a fighting chance.  When will somebody stand up for these squeezed Americans looking for a fair shot?

14 Sponsored Bills (Ranks 86 of 100) 0 Made Into Law
284 Co-Sponsored Bills (Ranks 18 of 100) 6 Made Into Law
Oh dear.  Here's Politico's story on her one big idea to hammer the Richie Riches to pay for student loans:
The Senate on Wednesday voted not to move forward on a bill from Sen. Elizabeth Warren that would have allowed an estimated 25 million people with older student loans to refinance that debt at current, lower interest rates.
That would be Harry Reid's (until recently) Democrat-controlled Senate, and it's a tacit acknowledgement that Warren's legislation to help people is 100% politics and 0% actual help.


  1. Fred Beloit10:13 AM

    An educational fraud and a political career based on lies? Yep, that's a Dem candidate for President alright. Can't wait for her big run, based on a lack of qualifications and demagogic promises, just like the guy in office now.

  2. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Fauxcohontas and Liawatha are fabulous names for her. Also, I like to call her Squaw Warren.

  3. Stats6:01 PM

    It's outrageous that Elizabeth Warren hasn't singlehandedly gotten more bills passed, in a Congress that set new modern lows for the amount of laws passed.

    6 co-sponsored laws out of 186 co-sponsored bills is a pathetic, puny average... yet it ranked 9th in the Senate.

    If instead of 0, just 1 of Warren's sponsored bills had managed to become law, she would have inched up to the 8th-most productive Senator.

  4. Anonymous10:22 PM

    The Senate on Wednesday voted not to move forward on [Warren's] bill... That would be Harry Reid's (until recently) Democrat-controlled Senate, and it's a tacit acknowledgement that Warren's legislation to help people is 100% politics and 0% actual help.

    A piece of legislation is "100% politics"? Pray, sir, say t'is not so!

    Thankfully, the decisions on which bills to advance and which bills to block are aimed at thwarting 100% politics. May the ship of state ever be steered away from the shoals of populism by men of conscience like Harry Reid.
