Friday, October 24, 2014

Obama should fire himself

Here's Ron Fournier in the National Journal insisting that Obama should really clean house: "What a real White House shakeup looks like"
For his sake and ours, Obama must fire himself. He needs to recognize that, for all of his strengths as a person and a politician, he's shown an astonishing lack of growth on the job. Obama won't evolve unless he replaces enablers with truth-tellers—advisers unafraid of telling the president he's wrong.
He suggests a new chief of staff: Leon Panetta, who is the only Democrats in Washington willing to state that the emperor has no clothes.


  1. He's the Mark Sanchez of presidents - may have been good his first two years, massive regression since then.

  2. Anonymous10:04 PM

    That National Journal's analysis of Barack Obama's unique problem - The President has surrounded himself with yes men! He's not listening to the right people! - is reminiscent of this Onion article:,20/

  3. Chopped onions10:11 AM

    Ah yes! It doesn't matter how stunningly inept, shamelessly lying, and monumentally divisive Obama is, because look over there! Other presidents also weren't perfect!

    Move along! Nothing to see here!

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Move along! Nothing to see here!

    Clever, the way you endorsed one-size-fits-all analysis with a generic line that's been used for 50,000 different online debates.

  5. Chopped onions10:26 PM

    ...and a line that seems to be the theme of 50,000 different comments of your own at this blog.

  6. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Ooh, the "I'm rubber, you're glue" response. Are you trying to fill an Internet Cliche Bingo card?

  7. Chopped onions1:30 PM


    The "generic line" wasn't an argument I was making, but a summing up of your strategy whenever you post a comment here. Thus I wasn't "endorsing" it, I was pitying it.

    Tough to expect you to understand something so subtle though, I know.

  8. Anonymous5:36 PM

    "My last post was obviously over your head." BINGO!
