Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Vanity of vanities - all is vanity

I've been trying to lay off the Obama-bashing posts because the blogosphere is already thick with posts, such as these:

Hot Air: "Remember when Obama took credit for pulling U.S. troops out of Iraq instead of blaming Maliki for it?"
Twitchy: "Obama counters own claim Iraq troop pullout wasn’t his decision."
Ace of Spades: "Obama Now: It Wasn't My Choice to Pull All Troops Out of Iraq; That Meanwich Stinkburger al-Maliki Made Me
Obama Then: It Was Totes My Decision to Pull All Troops Out of Iraq!!!"

This is why the remainder of Obama's "presidency" is going to be golf and fundraisers: golf is his reward to himself after the dime-store adulation of a fundraiser.  Rinse and repeat.

As public approval of Obama's foreign policy drops into the thirties, you'd think it would invite a little introspection, some self-assessment, maybe a new approach.  Not this guy: he gets a little criticism from his former Secretary of State and he throws a scatological temper tantrum.  This follows a pattern of reaction that Obama usually reserves for Republicans: there is no other valid viewpoint than his and those who oppose him only do so because they're "hatin' all the time."

Everything this guy does is designed to stroke his ego.  Even the vague threat of impeachment is something to be turned into a badge of honor (and - natch - fundraising.)  Instead of viewing his inability to move legislation as a fault, he turns it into a power trip.  Nothing is ever his fault, and he's constantly disappointed by everybody from Putin to the intelligence community.

The midterm elections are often, fairly or not, called a referendum on a President's performance and recent polling indicates it's going to be quite a vote of no-confidence.  But that's not Obama's fault either because, as he never tires of telling his fundraising crowds, Democrats just don't get excited for midterm elections.  Maybe they forgot to get gas for the car.  The football game was on TV.  Something.

Whatever the excuse, it has nothing to do with Obama.  Because he's awesome sauce.


  1. Numbers4:33 PM

    The midterm elections are often, fairly or not, called a referendum on a President's performance and recent polling indicates it's going to be quite a vote of no-confidence.

    There have been 17 midterm elections since World War II. The sitting presidents have been Republican and Democratic. They have been popular and unpopular. They have presided over war and peace, during economic booms and slumps. Their 17 political landscapes have been varied.

    Combine all of it over the past 68 years. This is how the incumbent presidents' parties have performed in Congressional midterms:

    WON: 21 seats
    LOST: 539 seats

  2. A double standard is TWICE as standard10:43 PM

    This president is just pathetic. He fundraises and plays the blame game, while egomaniacally dismissing the other side’s concerns. It’s no wonder the public has seen through his shabby act, which is why his poll numbers are tanking in year six.

    When will we see another strong leader like the previous president who selflessly took the time to help his party, always set the record straight, and had a clear and unshakable vision? Now there was a man who understood that despite the temporary bumps in the road, history would ultimately vindicate him for having had the courage to make the tough decisions.

  3. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Sure, the Democrats are going to take an absolute shellacking in November, but, as 'Numbers' says, it happens to popular Presidents' parties, too. Of course, this guy ISN'T popular, and he's going to get even less popular as time goes on, but he has his vigorous defenders--as this site's comment section demonstrates regularly. Those defenders will be working overtime the next 30-40 years, and, while I wonder how they will persevere, I suspect they will. I could be wrong, but it seems to be dawning on all but the most pertinacious that they have backed the biggest sow's ear silk purse in our lifetimes.

  4. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I could be wrong, but it seems to be dawning on all but the most pertinacious that they have backed the biggest sow's ear silk purse in our lifetimes.

    Absolutely, no question, the worst of our lifetimes. (You and I are both no more than five years old, right?)

  5. Anonymous10:24 PM

    "Absolutely, no question, the worst of our lifetimes. (You and I are both no more than five years old, right?)"

    Ahhhh, I see we have Mr. Pertinacious himself making an appearance. How special.
