Thursday, August 28, 2014

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Fox News: "If They Can Do It: 'Reality' show challenges contestants to balance the budget."
Here's the set-up: Carroll and his team took eight ordinary people from Albuquerque, N.M., and challenged them to balance the federal budget in a single weekend. The group, made up of four Republicans, three Democrats and one Democrat-leaning independent, was forced to fight it out until they came up with a way to solve Washington's biggest head-scratcher.
Spoiler alert: the group was able to balance the budget.
I'm of the mind that drastic cuts that are optional now should be done before they're mandatory later.


  1. Bill Mitchell1:20 PM

    It was just as realistic, but funnier, when they did it in "Dave."

  2. Kevin Kline did more work in that movie than our semi-retired President.
