Saturday, August 30, 2014

Let's have an open conversation about race and now shut up

Here's a story via the Volokh Conspiracy about a woman who had the temerity to discuss a double-standard in reporting and outrage when race roles are reversed and was demoted: "Speech at work complaining about alleged anti-white bias in the context of the Trayvon Martin matter = ‘hostile work environment’ harassment."
If you were advising someone, not as a politician but as a lawyer or as a friend, would you really recommend that she have “a discussion [about race] … around … water coolers” at the office, even “in a truthful and mature and responsible way”? Or would you warn her that she might get fired or demoted for it, both because of employer concern about coworker morale, and because of employer worry that statements such as hers (perhaps aggregated together over several months) could lead to an expensive lawsuit?
There is little upside and significant downside for whites in a so-called "open" conversation on race.  So the heavy lifting is left to the handful of black conservatives:
According to the Left, the economic hardships blacks face are largely due to latent racism. According to Ben Carson, and many other conservatives (Larry Elder also comes to mind), big-government policies, not racism, are the primary force suppressing black advancement.
History shows Ben Carson is right, and Jesse Jackson is wrong.
I'm sure that this distinguished neurosurgeon will be treated with the appropriate respect for his apposite if unpopular opinions.

Related - Mark Steyn on the consequences when people fear being branded "racist."

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