Tuesday, April 08, 2014

The White House war on women

Taking a page from this Administration, I need to ask: why does Obama hate the women in his White House?  After all, he only pays them 88 cents for every dollar earned by the Y-chromosome set.   In this day and age!

What's humorous about this ham-handed election ploy is that the media - for once - isn't playing along.  Even the New York Times can't let it slide.


  1. Kay Buki9:51 PM

    Is it possible to support women's equality, while opposing the Paycheck Fairness Act? Of course it is,

    Then again, it was possible to support the military and seek full retribution for 9/11, while opposing the ways Bush/Cheney pretended to do so. Whoops, no wait, that was "rooting for America to fail."

    So, if this costs the right votes, ha ha ha ha ha. Also, ha.

    But that was then. This is a new era. Today, it's disgraceful that Obama and the Democrats are playing politics by insincerely advancing bills they know will never fly. Plus, it takes away valuable Congressional time from the weekly Obamacare repeals. And the Ryan budget.

  2. Ha ha ha ha ha. Also, ha.9:55 AM

    Have you considered requiring VikingPundit to pay you rent for living inside your head?

  3. Anonymous12:38 PM

    M'kay Buki -

    Why all the desperate flailing around? Trying to escape the pain of the central and simple point of this post?

    The fact that Obama pays his female workers less than his male workers is worthy of a chuckle. The fact that he does so while self-righteously condemning those non-governmental "others" who do the same thing, is pure comedy gold, and it also speaks volumes about the state and capacities of his mind.

  4. Well, it's a KIND of jobs bill...10:36 AM

    Today, it's disgraceful that Obama and the Democrats are playing politics by insincerely advancing bills they know will never fly. Plus, it takes away valuable Congressional time from the weekly Obamacare repeals. And the Ryan budget.

    Finally, the House has rolled up its sleeves and gotten down to the serious work about something substantial: blocking Eric Holder's salary.
